Thinspiration - Pills and Laxatives

Dietary supplements which contain laxatives are now a popular way to lose weight especially among the younger crowd. At first, these pills seem to work but they do come at a price. There are several known negative effects to using laxatives for weight loss and here are some of them:
  •  Frequent use of laxatives upsets the normal function of the colon.
  •  Frequent use may also increase dependence on laxatives for a bowel movement.
  •  A deficiency in nutrients and dehydration happens when the digestive process is forced beyond what is normal.
  • Weight loss from laxatives is due to water being expelled and not fat.
All these things point to one thing. Weight loss by way of laxatives is certainly not safe and creates more problems than they are supposed to solve. What these things do to the body is give you diarrhea. Over time, the only thing you will get here is dehydration and lack of vital minerals and vitamins which results to bad health.