Crash diets often involve restricting the kinds of food you can eat without giving your body enough time to adjust. While it is true that calories have an effect on your weight, a sudden drop in calorie intake can have adverse effects on your well being. Restricting food intake could also result in vitamin and mineral deficiency.
An abrupt change in your physical activities is not good for your body either. People who are not used to exercising should not start exhausting themselves on a treadmill all of a sudden. The resulting struggle will just devastate and demoralize your efforts. On the physical level, pushing yourself to the limit might result in injury.
Nothing good will ever come out of going against the body’s natural rhythm. The same goes with any weight loss program. With this in mind, the proper and healthy way to shed some weight is to introduce changes gradually. This means getting into a program designed to take advantage of the body’s natural processes instead of going against it.